Natural remedies for our intestine
Who has not occasionally happened occasionally to suffer from intestinal laziness? Changes in lifestyle, in nutrition, in the bacterial flora, stress, etc. They can bring us to episodes of constipation. The constipation can be occasional or extend over time and is a frequent problem, which prefers women, which are affected by this disorder about three times more than men.
How to fight the consequent disorders such as abdominal pain and that annoying feeling of swelling? Here once again nature can come to meet us with herbs for the health of our intestine.
What is
The Cassia, "Cassia Fistula L.", is a shrub of the leguminosae family also called Seine.
Already used for millennia in popular medicine such as osmotic laxative since it stimulates the movements of the intestinal wall.
The laxative action of Cassia is carried out through the stimulation of the peristalsis of the large intestine and is due to the presence of some substances, called anthrachinoni, That they stimulate the contraction of the colon musculature and favor the elimination of the stool. It is absorbed by the small intestine and acts on the colon only after having been transported by blood. Cassia's action is also expressed through the inhibition of the reabsorption of water and mineral salts by the intestine, so as to increase the liquids present and improve volume and softness of the stool.
Although it is a totally natural laxative, considered bland compared to others, Cassia should still be used for short periods of time, in order to avoid unpleasant side effects.
In addition, the use of Cassia is not recommended in pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in children under the age of 12.
Intestine Balance Fast
There Cassia (described above) is the main ingredient of theIntestine Balance Fast Of Suisse Lab, beyond:
- Aloe: the hard part of the leaves contains compounds called anthrachinoni (the same present in the Cassia), responsible for the laxative effect since they stimulate the contraction of the colon musculature, thus increasing intestinal peristalsis and promoting evacuation.
- Crusher: contains glycosides derived from the anthracene, anthrachinons and fringes, substances that they stimulate the musculature of the large intestine And thus favor peristalsis, the production of mucus and the emptying of the intestine. In addition, at the level of the colon it inhibits the reabsorption of water and salts: this induces the production of soft and voluminous feces, increasing the laxative effect.
- Mauve: the flowers and in particular the mallow leaves are rich in mucilage, which give the plant property emollient and anti -inflammatory For all soft tissues of the body. These active ingredients act by covering the mucous membranes with a viscous layer that protect them from irritating agents. For this reason, the use of the mauve is indicated for hydrate, to wind the colon, purify the intestine and to regulate the functions, thanks to its sweet laxative action, due to the ability of the mucilage to form a sort of gel, which acts mechanically on the stool and therefore facilitating its elimination.
- Rhubarb: it is rich in polyphenols, in particular of flavonoids and tannins, and anthrasenic derivatives (Reina) to which the ability to stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, the excretion of the bile from the gallbladder and the Intestinal peristalsis. At low dosages, this action is accompanied by a bland laxative effect due to the increase in the motility of the smooth intestinal muscle.
- Cinnamon: antiseptic, antibacterial and natural antifungal, favors digestion with the consequent benefits for the intestine.
- Verbena: digestive property and stimulants of the gastro-intestinal system.
- Cloves: antiseptic, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties, useful against digestive problems.
All supplements of Suisse Lab They do not contain caffeine, gluten and lactose.
Food supplements should not be understood as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Lassative action supplements should not be used for prolonged periods of time, but only if necessary and not exceeding the recommended doses. The use of Intestine Balance Fast is not recommended in pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children under the age of 12.
The supplements, even if natural, can help us "unlock the situation" in cases of occasional constipation, but cannot be taken for more than a few days. So what to do daily to help our intestine work correctly?
- The first thing is certainly to ensure the right contribution of water and fiber to our body, taking at least 1.5/2 liters of fluids and 30g of fibers.
- Do movement. Sport It is also good for alleviating stress, sometimes concausal of constipation, and to tone the abdominal musculature.
Let's see together what are the Foods rich in fiber to be included in our diet:
- Wholemeal cereals: Whatever your favorite wholemeal cereal, it will certainly be rich in fiber. Wholemeal cereals must never be missing in healthy nutrition precisely because, thanks to their fiber content, they slow down the assimilation of sugars, regulate intestinal features and easily satiate.
- Legumes: tThe varieties of legumes are very rich in fiber, on average about 15 g per 100 g.
- Vegetables: First of all the artichokes, but also the cabbage, carrots, celery and fennel.
- Fresh and dried fruit: Also rich in fiber, especially apples, pears, prunes, almonds and hazelnuts.