L'importanza del sonno

The importance of sleep

Sleep plays a role fundamental in both physical and mental well -being of all of us. We pass, on average, 7/8 hours a day sleeping in our life. It is easy to guess, therefore, the importance of sleep quality. A good sleep allows us to face the day with the right energy, improving our performance and in general the mood. Not to be underestimated are also the benefits it brings to our body. For example, many sportsmen agree in considering sleep as a real phase of training, the last one. In fact it is precisely during the deep phase of sleep (non REM) that our body produces the growth hormone more, which wakes up the protein synthesis processes, fundamental for the repair of damaged muscle fabrics during training. In the phase RemInstead, the blood flow to the brain increases and this is useful for mental health. Both phases of sleep, which are constantly alternating, are necessary for the well -being of our body, since they go to regenerate the mind and body.

Unfortunately, however, Sleep disorders are widespread. To those who have not happened, at least in some periods of life, to struggle to fall asleep, to wake up in the middle of the night remaining minutes, if not hours, with wide eyes, or simply to wake up in the morning feeling of "not having slept well" ? In these cases, when you wake up, you do not feel regenerated, not at all rested and sometimes even more tired than when we had to bed.

Fortunately, strategies to improve the quality of our sleep e "Sleeping like children" They are manifold. Let's see some together.



Tips and ideas to sleep at best


  • The bedroom: It is advisable that in the room where you sleep there are no elements of distraction that can disturb sleep, such as television, computers and desks. It should only contain the essentials to sleep in order to encourage relaxation and avoid connections with non -relaxing activities. Another advice is not to use strong colors on the walls, preferring the soft shades, maybe on the tones of blue. The room should be sufficiently dark and silent and one adequate temperature, that is, neither too hot nor too cold (between 15 and 20 degrees).


  • Diet: Better Avoid hypercaloric evening meals And rich in proteins, in fact our body is not designed to digest while we sleep and moreover the digestion of proteins requires greater efforts from the body. SugarsInstead, they favor the absorption of tryptophan, an amino acid involved in the synthesis of serotonin, a substance that has an important role in sleep regulation. Give yourself a chocolate square In the evening, for example, it can help us sleep better. 


  • Drinks: Better to avoid drinking coffee in the evening, preferably already from the early afternoon. Caffeine, in fact, is an exciting substance and could remain in circulation in our body for more time than we can think, with a consequence of insomnia. Alcoholic beverages are also not recommended. Despite thealcohol It is a sedative substance, its action is very rapid. It could therefore quickly favor sleep, but at the same time, being eliminated by the body very quickly, it would bring the nervous system to a state of hyperexcitability, with a consequence of awakening during night sleep.


  • Physical activity: Doing physical activity during the day certainly influences sleep on different floors. It promotes psycho-physical relaxation, modifies the secretion of melatonin, increases body temperature. There is a relationship between body temperature and sleep cycle/vigil: the decrease in body temperature corresponds to a Increase in sleep propensity. Therefore practicing exercise in the evening hours we will cause an increase in the temperature that will come down later when we go to bed, promoting sleep. The same mechanism is behind the evening hot bath. Both these activities, however, they have to end at least a couple of hours before going to bed.


  • Wakes up: It is hated by everyone but it is fundamental. How many of us in the morning set the alarm clock before the time in which we actually have to get up and then postpone it and still send it back? This habit, more than widespread, does not bring any benefit, on the contrary to sleep those 5/10 minutes more between an alarm clock and the other can make us wake up in a "wrong" sleep phase, making us feel "intoned". So better put the alarm a little later and do not come back to fall asleep after he has played. The alarm could also help in the evening. In fact, putting it in the time in which we should fall asleep can help us find a healthy routine. Bed in the evening and get up in the morning to regular and constant times, as much as possible to your natural tendency to sleep, it is essential especially when we have to fight against sleep disorders.
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