12 Consigli per gambe belle e in forma.

12 tips for beautiful and fit legs.

Our legs are now the real protagonists in all seasons so we must keep them healthy and beautiful all year round in order to allow us the most fashionable outfits.

So how to always have beautiful, toned and light legs? Just follow some tips and associate some specific supplement.

The legs they are urged all day and yet often, despite the diet And massages, it is difficult to keep them deflated and read. Above all, in fact, in the summer months. The causes that induce our lower limbs to not be at the top of the form can be different, and if we do not pay the right attention to our legs they will tend to relax, swell and above all to weigh down.

What are the factors that debilit our legs?

The leg musculature is strong and powerful but if it is not stimulated enough and with the right intensity it will tend to relax and so goodbye skirts, shorts and dresses.  The main responsible for fat that accumulates on the legs are too sedentary life and "poor nutrition" (often too rich in sugars and salty foods) to which you must add genetic factors or different widespread subjective problems, which can make it difficult to dispose of the disposal of Libbed bearings and accumulation of excess liquids on knees and ankles. Some situations may be:

  • hormonal variations that the woman suffers all through'Arch of life (Puberty pregnancy and menopause) and which cause the accumulation of fat and the appearance of the much hated cellulite from the calf to the thighs. This phenomenon is observed above all in women with a pear morphology.
  • circulatory problems, responsible for the sensation of heavy and swollen legs, and consequent water retention.

How to have beautiful legs then? Beyond genetics, it would be necessary to pay attention to small good lifestyle rules to keep your legs strong, slender and above all healthy; First of all is to drink lots of water and practice regular physical activity to develop muscle mass and stimulate lymphatic circulation.

So, to have some beautiful legs And tapered, the secret is to make them work, the more the reminders you will have tonic themDiscover our advice!

  1. Use the stairs! Get on the tip of the feet: you will strengthen the muscles of the quadriceps and also the buttocks;
  2. Take care of nutrition. Avoid too fatty foods rich in sugar. Call the foods with too much salt and above all abolish all the foods prepared with the addition of dyes and preservatives. Instead, use the various nutrients in proportion and balanced way: 15% of proteins, 60% of carbohydrates, 25% of lipids. At the table every day cannot be missing carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice and potatoes), fruit, legumes and vegetables, cheeses and extra virgin olive oil. Always alternate fish, white meats, eggs. Less frequently assume the meat (read here too);
  3. Drink! At least two liters of water over the day. Water is undoubtedly a fundamental beauty ally to keep the skin luminous, hydrated and toned. Especially useful for bringing the correct hydration of the body. In addition to stimulating diuresis, water will help your legs stay fit. Also helped with herbal teas that not only warm up in winter and refresh in summer but also have "healing virtues". They do not contain caffeine, so they can be taken throughout the day and are often an excellent ally for those who cannot drink the recommended 2 liters of daily water. Also excellent the green tea, rich in antioxidant and draining elements, Useful to stimulate diuresis and circulation. However, it is not recommended to drink green tea in the evening, this to prevent the draining action from distrusting night rest;
  4. Move! Hypotonia is fought with theexercise! Often the thighs appear large and flourishing for excess fat and water retention and it is a problem of almost all women! To have an improvement in the legs it is important to work both on muscle tone and on the reduction of water retention and subcutaneous fat. When you make a toning training, change muscle hypertrophy, which over time will give a more sinuous line to your legs. Immediately after toning it is always appropriate to add cardio work to improve circulation. 
  5. Walk! It has been shown that walking a support supported accelerates the metabolism and production of endorphins, therefore: more health and less stress! Not only that, walking improves the circulation of the legs! Both a nice walk in the open air, which helps to perceive the body in space (due to the ground that stimulates proprioception and balance), both treadmill activities, which has the benefit of maintaining a constant pace, It will certainly be the best way to start giving a push to your metabolism and keep it high;
  6. The drainage massage! A really effective advice to streamline the legs is to practice a light circular massage, from the bottom up, always useful to reactivate circulation and avoid the onset of water retention. Practice it immediately after the shower and with the help of exfoliating gloves or with small draining rollers. The massage is one of the essential elements to have beautiful and light legs. In this way you can reactivate blood and lymphatic circulation, improve cellular exchanges and facilitate the elimination of toxins. It is important to carry it out regularly and constancy;
  7. Never choose too tight clothes. The use of elasticized jeans, too bundle pants and busties should be eliminated because it is an obstacle to blood circulation;
  8. During the day we wear graduated socks. They favor blood circulation over the entire length of the legs;
  9. Do not be close to heat sources for prolonged times: The too high temperatures cause excessive dilation of the blood vessels and in some cases the breakdown of the capillaries; At the sea always refreshes your legs during exposure to the sun;
  10. No coffee and cigarettes or at least limited use: caffeine and nicotine narrow the capillaries by preventing the right flow of blood;
  11. Avoid shoes with very high heels (wearing them only on great occasions), cause changes to circulation and therefore favor the formation of cellulite.

One last advice

Start immediately preparing your legs for spring and not to give up showing them beautiful, toned and above all healthy, assume constantly Hemo Capillary Strong It will be your allied of beauty for legs always at the top.

Reinforces the capillaries, improves circulation and reduces water retention. Hemo Capillary Strong It is based on plant extracts and is particularly indicated in reducing inflammation and swelling. It improves venous and lymphatic micro-circulation and has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. It increases the resistance of the capillaries by reducing the passage of blood in the surrounding tissues. Constant and lasting results.


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