Home Super Circuit: allenarsi a casa non è mai stato così facile!

Home Super Circuit: training at home has never been easier!

For lovers of outdoor training, this "strange meteorological period" does not facilitate sports activities in the open air, so if you really don't want to fold with a subscription in the gym, the only solution is to train at home. The Circuit training It is the ideal option to plan training sessions in a short time and with very few equipment but with effective and surprising results. The only tools that we will use for this circuit will be A chair and a mat. 

  • Follow the sequence in the photo and the explanation of the exercises. 
  • Remember to always do a little initial heating to prepare all the muscles for stresses and final stretching to recover strength and oxygenate all organs.
  • Each "station" must be held and repeated to the maximum resistance for 30-40 seconds and then immediately move on to the following year.

1. Jumping Jacks: Climb on the spot, opening rhythmically and simultaneously legs and arms.

2.Wall sit: He rests his back to the wall and slide it down until he folds the legs parallel to the floor imagining that he is sitting on a chair. Check your breath and keep the position by pushing the butt and shoulders against the wall.

3. Push up: prone position on the ground, slide the legs backwards by placing the tips of the feet. Hands under the chest and keeping the pectorals, abdomen and buttocks contracts spread your arms pushing in opposition against the floor. Fold only the elbows to return to the starting position but without having the chest touch the floor. 

4.Abdominal Crunch: Lying with your back on the ground the knees flexes and feet well resting on the floor; Distall your arms towards the knees and lift your back and the central part of the bust by contracting the abs. Go down and go back to the starting position without completely resting the upper part of the back. If you feel the neck or the cervical area, crosses the hands behind the neck and continues with the execution of the year.

5.Step up on the chair: Go up and get off the chair always resting both feet. Alternate the legs during execution.

6.squat: Legs spaced with the width of the pelvis, feet well resting on the ground and arms along the sides; Fold your knees bringing your butt backwards (imagine you want to sit on a chair away from you) and relax your arms forward. Make up on the buttocks and on the parts behind the thighs to go up. Be careful not to hyper to extend the knees once the movement is finished. 

7.Irceps Dip On the chair: Sit on the chair and rest the palms outside the pelvis. Take a step forward keeping your hands on the chair. Go down the butt by bending the elbows that must parade along the bust. Back to the starting position without sitting in the chair but remaining in balance on the arms.

8. Plank: Place the forearms on the ground, with the elbows that will have to be below the shoulders level and the arms parallel to the body. Bring your legs back, leaning your feet on the tips. Now, lift the pelvis keeping your back straight and parallel to the floor. The hands are closed and with the gaze fixes a point in the hands. Keep your belly inside and contract the buttocks. Finally, make sure that the body forms a straight line from the head to the heels and keep the position.

9. High Knee and Running Place: running on the spot bringing the knees to the chest faster possible.

10 lounge: From the erect position you take a step forward bending both knees and keeping the torso straight. Back to the starting position and repeat alternating the legs.

11.push up and Rotation: The same execution of the push up (see point 3) and rotate the torso and the pelvis by also rotating your feet but without detaching them from the floor. Lift and relax the arm that remains free. Repeat everything on the other side.

12. Side Plank: Lie on the side with your legs completely tense. Raise the pelvis using the elbow and the forearm so as to form a line straight from the shoulders on her ankles with the body. Leave your arm free on the side and keep the position by focusing attention on the abdomen. 

If you can do the whole circuit quietly for 30-40 seconds in the station, increase up to a minute. Another variant: repeat the whole circuit twice in a row without recovering up to 4 laps recovering 45-60 seconds every two complete circuits.

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