S.o.S Caldo: Mini guida per gambe belle e in forma

S.O.S Hot: mini guide for beautiful and fit legs

The great heat has finally arrived and the desire to discover is above all a necessity. However, our legs are not always ready and often precisely because of the high temperatures they tend to swell, weighing down and in the worst cases also to dolere.  To have and maintain Beautiful legs, tonic and deflated Let's find out what experts recommend.

Here is one mini guide With 10 tips to always keep in mind to better face the hot temperatures of the next few months.

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and decrease (if not in some cases eliminates) the use of salt in foods
  2. In the evening you always make a foot bath with water and salt
  3. Avoid shoes with stiletto heel or earth satin
  4. Do not stay too much time sitting and above all with crossed legs
  5. Rotea the ankles and stretch the legs as soon as you can and in moments of relaxation
  6. Every evening perform circulatory massages to the ankles, giving light "pushes" upwards
  7. Avoid too constricting clothes and clothes
  8. After the shower, take a draining massage to the entire leg with the jet of fresh water, starting from the ankles going up to the thighs and hips
  9. Do not stay too much time lying in the sun: refresh your legs often and if you are at the sea, take advantage to walk in the water or on the shoreline 
  10. Take advantage of the beautiful days (also the fresh evenings) to take long walks even if you are in the city

To improve the mocrocirculation, reinforce the capillaries to have an excellent deflating and draining effect the laboratories Suisse Lab they patented Hemo Capillary Strong, 100% natural supplement. 

Taken regularly especially in the summer, it gives immediate relief and keeps the legs healthy, toned and light. 

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