Zuccheri e carboidrati: una vera dipendenza!

Sugars and carbohydrates: a real addiction!

Daily we take on a quantity of sugars and carbohydrates certainly excessive for our needs and this without even realizing it precisely because they are hidden in foods where we do not expect them. Simple sugars call simple sugars and this can bring dependence From certain foods and ruin the line and unfortunately often also health. In fact, sugar overloads our body by stressing it with consequences, in the long run, even rather serious.  We often hear that sugars are a source of energy for our body but what it is The right energy for our body?

In most cases we do not really know what we are eating on a nutritional level and we are not even aware of what food reactions can be in the short and long term that our body must manage, assimilate and dispose of. There are foods that our body is more difficult than others to metabolize, especially if they are then taken in high quantities and more or less rationally.

For example, carbohydrates make you eat too much especially if transformed and refined. Industrial carbohydrate industrial products (Baked or similar products that we find at the supermarket, i.e. biscuits, cakes, snacks, french fries and snacks in general ... and all those with high glycemic index (IG) such as white bread, pasta, rice etc.) They induce the brain on the brain a continuous stimulus to hunger by promoting the desire to eat compulsive causing precisely a real dependence on food. They act on the centers of the pleasure of the brain by stimulating the continuous search for contentment and unstoppable cravings, just like a real drug addiction. A risk for everyone and in particular for those who should limit the intake of food and calories. 
The manager of this process of reward and research of pleasure is dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is produced precisely following a chemical process triggered by certain substances. For example, it has been proven that following the use of drugs, dopamine is produced in large quantities.

«Our body badly tolerates those foods that give energy promptly available, explain the experts. The simple sugars are among the foods that they turn into energy very quickly and consequently i quantities must be limited».

To verify the effects of the carbohydrates transformed on the reward mediated by dopamine, was a study published onAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition And conducted by the researchers of the Obesity Prevention Center at the Boston Children's Hospital, coordinated by Dr. David Ludwig.

Ludwing and his staff recruited 12 male subjects between 18 and 25 years old, in a state of obesity to which a smoothie with the same organoleptic characteristics such as color, flavor and density was taken on two different occasions. In the first test, the smoothie contained high glycemic carbohydrates, in the second case the same smoothie presented low glycemic index carbohydrates. Four hours later the same people were subjected to celebratory magnetic resonance imaging and in particular to the regions connected to the reward. At the same time, the blood sugar levels and the stimulus of hunger were measured. The outcome noted that the participants when they drank high IG smoothies, blood sugars quickly reached peak levels and then abruptly descended four hours later. In this process, when blood sugar drops quickly, Not only did they experience excessive hunger, but the FMRI scans showed that an intense activation of the Accurubens nucleus was underway, a region of the brain involved in addiction.
On the contrary, when the participants took the low -blood glycemic index smoothie, the blood sugar levels went up slowly, and in the same way they fell slowly. 

According to the researchers, the results show that, with the same calories and sweetness of the food, the difference does the glycemic index, since this is precisely this that has shown to act on the brain, triggering the processes related to pleasure and reward, With a mechanism that can lead people to eat too much.
These data suggest that limit carbohydrates A high glycemic index such as white bread and potatoes could help obese people reduce appetite and control the desire to eat too much.

So let's lay that iOur body manages much better all those foods that slowly release energy. In practice, all the nutrients that give energy ready in a few minutes are comparable to an excess of fuel that can swallow in our engine (organism) metabolic, which instead must arrive in more slow times. Unfortunately, this situation of excessive "push" not too favorable occurs more often than we can notice. There are factors that affect in a thoughtful way. 

  • Absorption times

As mentioned above Simple sugars have too quick absorption speed; The most common sucrose (the sugar we use to sweeten), lactose and fructose that we find in nature have more or less the same absorption speed. However, the substantial difference can make it the food in which the nourishing itself is located, in this case the sugar.  For example: if you eat A complex carbohydrate, the starch found in the pasta causes energy to arrive more slowly in the body. In the scotta dough, the process is faster, If al dente, however, it is slower, and again if the pasta is al dente seasoned with  vegetables, like broccoli, absorption is even slower and advantageous from a metabolic point of view, thanks to the presence of the fibers that slow down its assimilation.

In cases of sugary drinks, the introduction of sugar in our body is too quick and unsuccessful for our metabolism. It does not give a sense of satiety precisely because they are liquids and the energy enters violently accumulating into the slag, practically the fat is transformed. The vicious circle of addiction is also established: our body cannot burn the reserves and asks for more food. All this goes to the detriment not only of the line but also of health generating diseases and metabolic pathologies. Another very important factor is the addiction that is created due to some foods that stimulate the central nervous system by continually asking for sugary foods and often rich in fat.

  • Degenerative metabolic diseases are the consequences

Provide excessive quantities of sugar to our body triggers a high insulin stimulus; Mechanism at the base of an inflammatory structure of the organism preceding chronic and degenerative pathologies such as obesity, diabetes up to depression. This can be the result of excessive and constant consumption of sugars. If the same consumption is sporadic and occasional, the body does not suffer too many stress. So every now and then a dessert or tear to the rule can be done.

  • Manage sugars

The real problem is that we are bombed practically by sugar and at any time of the day: from canned foods, yogurt, breakfast cereals, industrial loaves and also tomato preserves contain it. Sortwe usual consumers of ready, industrial, preserved, processed and elaborate foods: this habit is to create the unconscious consumption of sugars and therefore their abuse. Although in low quantities by type of food, all together create an often excessive daily dose. So calibrating the right amount of simple sugars is the first step in not damaging the body.

How to manage the doses? At most, on a 2,000 calorie diet, experts recommend 10-15% of energy, therefore about 50-80 grams of simple sugars. However, this dose is easily overcome precisely because the sugars that are introduced with industrial foods is very high.

  • Industrial sugars

Glucose-fruttose syrup, precisely for its characteristics, It is among the most used sugars in the production processes of industrial food: low cost, easily additional in pre -packaged foods to make them more attractive and tasty. Consuming ready or packaged foods we are exposed to unaware and excessive consumption of sugar that generates dependence. It is therefore advisable to always read the labels before filling the shopping cart (various simple sugars such as glucose syrups with steed, maltodextrin, grape sugar and corn syrup are rapid absorption sugars) and always prefer the choice towards natural foods, Fresh and unreal or modified raw materials. Even a simple tea is better homemade and being aware of how much sugar there is inside than buying an industrial drink added with harmful elements for the body.

  • Food and raw materials 

So in conclusion, the best solution for our health and well -being is to opt and re -establish itself to the consumption of dishes prepared at home with healthy foods. Learn to manage doses and ingredients and use natural flavors such as spices by decreasing salt and sugar. Reporting the faculty to choose perhaps quality preparations rather than industrial elaborations often too expensive. Even for a "simple ice cream" the choice could fall on a craft product rather than the packaged.

Decide personally and consciously how to spend the dose of daily sweetness.



To decrease the absorption of sugars the workshops Suisse Lab they patented the Fat Burner Evolution  A 100% natural supplement that favors a fundamental process to avoid the accumulation of slag and therefore the transformation of fat into fat.

High quality ingredients make this latest generation supplement an exceptional support for the control and maintenance of body weight, promoting correct metabolism.

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