Le 10 cattive abitudini che ci fanno prendere chili in estate... e non solo

The 10 bad habits that make us take kilos in the summer ... and not only

Being able to correct or maintain some healthy habits even during the hot season is essential to keep fit. For many, it remains difficult in this lighter and vacationer period to follow a more rigid diet. But why do we find ourselves in the summer to believe we eat less and then find ourselves in September with a few more pounds? What changes in our metabolism? The answer is precisely in everyday life. 

10 unhealthy habits that make us take weight.

1. Sedentariness 

Even if we believe we do many more things, to move more and eat less, in the summer period often neglects quality physical activity. Dedicating at least one hour to sport without distractions three four times a week is the first step to maintaining a healthy and above all metabolically efficient organism. Physical activity, in fact, in addition to affecting the caloric expenditure, allows us to also recover on some "dietary tear".

2. Forget to drink "water" 

Just during the hottest days, to satisfy the desire for freshness, it is easy to stumble into too sugary drinks such as juices, tea, etc. without then neglecting the social events that in summer increase dramatically with aperitifs or after dinner based on alcoholic beverages. In summer you have to Drink more water just to maintain a hydrated and perfect shape organism. As well as for the correct liquid drainage bodily, it is important to drink water to allow all hydro-soluble nutrients, such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals And sugars, to reach the cell and be effectively used. Water is the best natural supplement! Experts recommend drinking At least 2 liters of water per day But it is preferable to increase the dose especially after exaggerating with food rims and a few too many glasses.

3. Skip the snacks

Look for as much as possible to maintain the rhythm of daily meals without neglecting snacks. The latter acquire a role of fundamental importance in managing body weight and more generally of metabolismHealthy snacks, must never be missing and if carried out at the middle of the morning and in the afternoon, they satisfy the feeling of appetite, they help the metabolism to remain active and efficient.

4. Coffee

Even if coffee has antioxidant and slimming properties Exaggerate with the doses of caffeine is not exactly the best for our body. If the sugar is added, the daily calorie impact becomes important and which multiplied by 365 goes to the detriment of body weight and hormonal profile.

5. Jumping the main meals

The too hot or sense of weakness are the "false causes" that often lead us to skip the main meals, not thinking about the deleterious effects for our body. Not lunch, for example, will induce our body to Search for more food for dinner, significantly altering the nutritional profile; It will also be easier to take a few more pounds.  All meals must continue to be present in the daily rhythm and above all developed with all the nutrients necessary for good organic functioning. To deal with continuous exposure to heat, it is good to choose foods suitable for the season with foods rich in minerals, vitamins and above all that do not weigh down the digestive functions. 

6. Avoid breakfast.

For many breakfast is only a coffee, but several studies show that a healthy breakfast composed of carbohydrates, proteins and good fats is necessary to better face the day, as well as positively affecting our mood. Breakfast is also essential to maintain an active and healthy metabolism also exercising a positive action on weight maintenance. 

7. Lunch or dinner only with fruit 

Especially on hot days, lunch or dinner with Fruit alone It is one of the most recurring habits above all After days when you have had more abundant or heavy meals. The lightness and freshness that gives fruit is only momentary. The large amount of sugars contained in it will tend to rapidly raise the glycemic peak and insulemic, making the feeling of hunger only after a few more hours. Ideal picture for taking weight.

8. Eat quickly

Even in summer, we try to sit at the table or take at least the time needed to detach from any activity. Eating "on the fly" is not good for our body by also compromising digestion. The faster we eat the more we tend to introduce food. Even for a simple fresh salad or for an ice cream as a snack it is always good to sit and savor its taste.

9. Junk food 

Especially in the hot season it is easy to run into preparations as a supermarket of ready -made foods and canned. Instead, it is important to remember that summer provides us with the most captivating and complete fruit and vegetables of the whole year. Salads, vegetables, even cold meals, it would be advisable to always prepare them by itself with quality raw materials. Even for desserts or ice cream, always choosing the artisan ones even better if homemade is the best way not to take weight and maintain an always high nutritional level.

10. Milk and its derivatives every day

In Italy and especially in summer, it is perhaps the most recurring food both on the tables and in the packed lunches. Mozzarella, dairy products and fresh cheeses invade all types of dish. Excellent solution for both the palate and for the practicality but extremely caloric and full of fats. The intake should be limited, without too many inappropriate extreme extremes, and trying to vary even with more or less similar foods of vegetable origin. 

By correcting these habits we can keep the results laboriously achieved in the gym or limit their damage.

In order not to waste all the fatigue made to reach the weight and keep it even on vacation, the Suisse Lab workshops have thought of the package Summer Top: two supplements (Fat Burner Evolution and Body Restore Plus) Which will allow the body not to assimilate too many sugars and fats to reduce the sense of appetite and above all maintain a healthy and efficient metabolism even in the short periods of absence of physical activity

As a function the Summer Top Of Suisse Lab?

With a glass of water, a tablet before the main meals of Body restore plus to reduce the sense of hunger and limit the caloric income and one immediately after the meals of Fat Burner Evolution To burn fat and facilitate all digestive and liver functions. Both supplements are 100% natural and I do not contain caffeine or exciting agents; They do not present contraindications and act on the proper functioning of the metabolism. 

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