Burpee: potente, efficace e unico! Come eseguirlo correttamente per bruciare grassi

Burpee: powerful, effective and unique! How to perform it correctly to burn fat

A powerful total body exercise to burn many calories, that's what Burpee is. It strengthens the whole body, trains cardiovascular and respiratory resistance.

The Burpee exercise was invented by the American physiologist Royal H. Burpee who in the thesis phase managed to create, in the 1930s, a simple evaluation test for soldiers. A quick test for the control of coordination, power and agility.

The factor that allowed Burpee to depopulate among the sportsmen today is precisely because they are cheap and ideal to be practiced everywhere because they do not need specific equipment. The only precaution is in the execution, which for many could be demanding. Burpee must be performed with the right technique to avoid wrong and harmful movements for the muscles and joints.

What is Burpee?

It is the exercise par excellence to burn fat because it urges muscle mass in a very intense way: numerous studies have shown that fathers are burned with Burpee than with any other free -body exercise. The Burpees work on the metabolism, so if the intent is to have a toned and dry physique the burpees I have to be the protagonists of the training card! Precisely for this reason it is included in the CrossFit or Functional protocols as well as in the training of football teams to test resistance and develop agility, strength and power.

Burpee is love and hate at the same time because performing it is tiring, but if there is the right motivation and the objectives are clear, surprising results are obtained by exploiting only the weight of the body. The physical appearance after a workout with the Burpees will be toned and dry to the fullest advantage not only of physical performance but also from an aesthetic point of view.

What are the benefits of Burpee?

Advantages of Burpee:

  • Perfect for high intensity training (it burns more calories even after training, because being a multi -articular exercise it goes to involve more muscle groups simultaneously. This process also triggers the effect "aftreburn"or the high consumption of calories even after physical activity;
  • Improves coordination, precisely because several passages must be performed in sequence (Squts, Plank, Pushup, Squat and Jump) to carry out a complete Burpee;
  • Improves the resistance given the high heart work;
  • Reinforces the whole body. At each repetition, bibs, dorsal, arms, shoulders, legs and abdominals are solicited.

Although initially the executions of Burpee may seem tiring and demanding to perform the Burpee regularly, it will bring a progressive improvement in the individual performance level. Costanza and tenacity are indispensable factors to achieve a good fitness state.

How to perform Burpee? Errors to avoid.

Burpees are very simple movements, technically speaking, but you have to pay the utmost attention not to make mistakes. First of all, don't try to perform them too quickly: the risk is to do it wrong. For a correct execution, look at the figure below:

  • Descending phase: the legs bend as to go to squat, rest his hands on the ground while keeping his arms stretched and strong, The straight back and the buttocks back, keep the heels on the ground. The weight of the body must fall on the heels and the feet must remain on the ground: never raise the heels. Check the abdominal belt.
  • Throw your legs backwards by activating the core, i.e. the muscles of the abdominal belt, and reaching the position of plank. Protect the lumbar area, paying attention to stabilizing the abdominal area so as not to stress the  back. It is very important to contract both the abdomen and the buttocks to perform the correct position of the plank.
  • Do a push up (bending on the arms) keeping the abdomen contract and tight buttocks. 
  • Collect the legs again bringing the feet externally to the hands and keeping the back straight and passes again for the position of squat;
  • you do a jump up (jump up); If you are not very trained or do not find coordination, you can make the Burpees avoiding the final leap. If, on the other hand, you are trained, it is fine to add it, but be careful of the descent: keep your legs folded so as not to hurt you in the back.

Train with the Basic Burpee

How many repetitions? Burpees is a fundamentally simple exercise but that will make the effect feel already after a few repetitions. Start with tests and then decide the number of repetitions based on your tax state and your goal. Try with 5 complete repetitions and gradually increases up to the maximum of your possibilities.
For the fat burning effect, the series must be long:
 ▶ 5 series of 10 repetitions with a recovery from 30 seconds to 1 minute between one series and another, to be performed 3 times a week.
 To develop power, you have to work on the ceilings: 
 ▶ 5 series of 10 repetitions at maximum speed with 2 minutes of recovery, to be performed 3 times a week.



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