Pranzo a lavoro; piatti facili, veloci e salutari!

Lunch at work; Easy, fast and healthy dishes!

For many now lunch comfortably at home and perhaps with healthy and healthy foods it is becoming a real utopia. Work rhythms often bring us to unsuitable food regimes especially if you are on a diet. How can we do to eat "healthy" even away from home?

The break lasts more or less an hour and most of the time you stay in front of the computer with a sandwich or you go to the first bar to eat a usually super -seasoned dish, not very substantial and very caloric. Others even completely jump lunch by adopting only a coffee break so as to get to the evening hungry.  With the excuse then that they have not touched food throughout the day, so during dinner they swallow everything they find. This is all the delay of the body's line and health. From eating in front of the computer to jumping lunches for long meetings and even eliminating breakfast for time issues, bad habits become in a short time that will make us take weight and often also lead to serious complications for our body. 

Why not try to bring lunch from home and adjust the work/break rhythms? It is easier than you think and above all economic and healthy. The famous schiscetta has nothing sad, On the contrary!

You can eat quietly in the workplace almost as if you were at home but with some small care:

  • It is preferable to find a different place from your desk, preferably in company so as to unplug a little;

  • Equipped with appropriate containers: there are boxes and more complete compartments already complete with placemats, cutlery and everything you need to have lunch outside the home on the market and thermal bags

  • Alternate first courses and seconds by organizing a weekly plan; It is fundamental to avoid pre -cooked and already seasoned foods; Prepare everything before, it is easier, healthy economic and incredible to say but also fast.

  • If there is the possibility to heat the meal, opt for real complete unique dishes, such as soups or rice with vegetables and legumes, or mix with cooked vegetables and meat or fish

  • Vary pasta, rice and couscous or legume soups, consuming a first or second with vegetables. A couple of snacks based on fresh or dried fruit or yogurt are also important.

How to shop for lunch in the office?

Here is a list of food save time that can help us if we don't have too much desire to cook or the time available is little:

  • Seasonal vegetables: they cost little and are good, and they are also good cooked in a simple way. There are already clean and ready to be cooked in envelope. Excellent with oil and lemon. 
  • Fresh minestrone: Taken in large quantities you can cook, blend and freeze in single -portion jars, to be brought out the night before.
  • Salad It is the Jolly solution par excellence: if the weather is very little, there is the one already washed in the envelope. Just add chicken breast, or tuna, or eggs to balance and create a healthy, light and tasty dish. Season with parmesan flakes, olives, dried cherry tomatoes, radishes, carrots or even a fruit (have you ever tried the apple in the salad?) Will make your appetizing salad.
  • Another cunning is the puff pastry ready ready, preferring the full one. You can make a quick filling perhaps based on vegetables and you're done.
  • Always keep in the pantry: Basmmati rice, couscous and spelled and cereals. They can be cooked quickly (the couscous does not even need cooking) and add the vegetables: it is a nourishing alternative to the pasta. There are also on the market packs of rice or spelled already cooked to the steam without adding more. Solution (a little more expensive than the traditional) for those who have very little time available.
  • Also Glass legumes, steam cooked, they are fast, practical and above all nutritious. To be enjoyed absolute, seasoned with a little oil and pepper or with vegetables and smells such as celery and fresh thin cut carrots. 
  • The frozentes: Finally natural cooked and frozen foods are marketed. Grilled or boiled vegetables, legume and cereal soups, become a valid choice but above all quick to prepare.

6 easy and quick recipes save line to take to work 

  • Chickpea salad (or other legumes such as lentils or beans)

Take chickpeas or other legumes of excellent quality (in glass jar), rinse them with plenty of water. Add a small fake fake with the mandolin, julienne carrots and fresh celery pieces. Season shortly before consuming the meal with oil, salt and pepper and a little lemon juice. Another solution is to combine them with cutting rocket cherry tomatoes and tuna.

  • Spinacino or Valerian salad with walnuts

Spinacino or Valerian at will with the addition of an apple cut into small pieces, parmesan flakes, 2 walnuts and two slices of roasted cooked ham cut into strips. The final touch, if you like, is a little balsamic vinegar. Also add croutons of bread. 

  • Couscous with vegetables

Pour boiling water on a portion of couscous (follow the instructions on the packaging for the doses) and after shelling it with a fork and a drop of extra virgin olive oil, add cherry tomatoes, rocket and other vegetables to taste. Tasty also mushrooms and courgettes. Add some tuna, hard -boiled eggs or other protein source for a single and complete dish.

  • Salmon with spinach 

Take a steering salmon transcription possibly naturally cooked in the natural. Drain it well of its conservation water. Place it on a bed of little boiled spinach (cook in 5 minutes!) And season with extra virgin olive oil, pepper and lemon. With two slices of wholemeal bread you have a tasty and healthy dish. 

  • Dark sandwich

Try the dark rye bread for your sandwiches, because they are rich in fiber, more digestible and healthier. 2 slices. Fill it with Bresaola flakes of Parmesan and rocket. If you have time, with grilled and goat vegetables, or if you are in a hurry sweet raw ham

  • Chicken Salad (chicken salad)

You can use a piece of grilled chicken breast previously. Then add it to strips and once cold use it to enrich a classic salad of finely cut lettuce and cherry tomatoes. Season with Parmesan flakes, toasted bread cubes, oil and salt.

  • Mixture of cereals and legumes.

If you have time Prepare a mixture of cereals and legumes: in a saucepan, put chopped onion, celery and carrots with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Add a portion of dry mix (about 80 gr with raw) and cover them with plenty of water. Cook for about 40-50 min as long as the water is absorbed. Flame with the spices you prefer. To be enjoyed even cold is a rich, healthy and genuine dish. On the market there is natural and frozen versions; Excellent for those who have little time!

  • Raw Salad of Zucchini

Raw Food is the great fashion of the moment and it is also very fast to prepare because nothing must be cooked. We suggest you prepare a plate based on raw courgettes cut into very thin slices or strips with a mandolin. Season them with hazelnut grains, gorgonzola, ricotta or parmesan flakes and accompany them to whole croutons.

  •  Mushrooms, rocket and parmesan.

The mushrooms are also excellent raw. After cleaning them carefully, cut them into slices and add rocket and parmesan. Season with extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon.

The spices will give an extra touch of flavor to the dishes. Always add those you prefer! Attention to salt, to always be used sparingly. Oil: excellent seasoning but remember that a spoon contains about 90kal.

  • Quinoa with vegetables and chicken

Cook the quinoa for 10 minutes. Then drain it, wash it and leave it aside. In the meantime, in a pan he warm up a little oil and add a chopped onion and a green pepper a small courgette and a carrot, all cut into small pieces. Halfway through cooking, add the chopped tomato. Add the quinoa to the end and mix well. 

After lunch do you tend to have a swollen belly?

Avoid coffee immediately after finishing lunch. Wait at least an hour.

During lunch he tries to eat slowly and chew for a long time before ingesting. 

An excellent solution is the contribution of dietary food supplements such as the Body Restore Plus  Of Suisse Lab In addition to decreasing the sense of hunger, thanks to its different properties, it acts precisely on digestion, favoring all bile and liver processes.

Its formulation also brings also diuretics benefits therefore favors the elimination of accumulated toxins deflating abdomen and legs and immediately giving sense of lightness. The double action of Suisse Lab Body Restore Plus Check your appetite and more favors the metabolism of fats and sugars  giving the figure an appearance immediately more toned and defined. Combined with Fat Burner Evolution by Suisse Lab It is perfect for loss and weight control.


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