Autunno: rigenera e ripara la tua pelle

Autumn: regenerate and repair your skin

In autumn it regenerates the skin with the help of nature.

Our skin during the summer was put to the test by high temperatures; The hot summer days cause dryness and dehydrate face and the whole body with consequent cracks and eczema. In addition to the attacks of the wind, sun and humidity, during the hot season we then close ourselves in places refreshed by air conditioning being exposed to all forms of environmental pollution. Like our body, the skin also has a biological rhythm, which follows the alternation of day and night, seasons and age. Taking care of the skin effectively is the first step to respect this "internal program", represented by its bioritmus and its physiological characteristics.

Why is it important to help the regenerating process?

What are the damage of the sun and hot?

Immediately after the summer season visually The skin loses its brightness: It is opaque due to the dead epithelial cells that stratify the epidermal surface, creating a thin patina that obstructs the pores and reduces both oxygenation and normal cellular exchange. It is an adaptation to the stress that the skin undergoes daily by compromising its tonicity and reducing its ability to absorb the active ingredients applied. Then take care of the skin and prevent all these damage from the coldest season to have a ready and reactive epidermis to the new spring cell regeneration. A daily beauty routine is the basis of all prevention and skin maintenance to better face the change of season.

The 6 fundamental rules for a perfect beauty routine.

1. Cleaning for the: the epidermis must be detected correctly evening and morning with a good detergent And the tonic paying attention to the type of skin.

2.Maquillage: Cleansing is important even if maquillage were not used during the day.

3. The creams: Apply a nourishing cream or anti -aging immediately after the cleaning of the face. Very important also as a pre-mekup base.

4. Eye contour: The periocular area (highly sensitive and delicate) must be treated with the utmost attention with a eye contour specific and without in any way use unsuitable products. To maintain a fresh and young look Always removing your eyes before bedtime is essential not to weigh down the eyelids and avoid bags and wrinkles.

5. Scrub: Periodically (every 15-20 days) a scrub or peeling must be carried out according to the type of skin for remove dead cells and favor its spare.

6. Night: nourishing cream or anti -aging before bedtime because it is precisely during the night that the process of cell regeneration It has the maximum exchange. The active ingredients contained in the preparations will stimulate the stem cells of the skin, increasing oxygenation allowing the repair process and the synthesis of collage and elastin.

Small note: It is wrong to think that the skin "gets used" to the cosmetic products applied regularly and that it would be appropriate to change them otherwise they would lose their effectiveness. If they meet expectations and perform their functions it is always good to continue using them. Instead, it is important to change the mode of skin care in the Basa to the season. 

It is fundamental:  Drink at least 1 and a half liter of water or herbal teas during the day, to purify the body, to bring the right hydration to our extra skin for facilitate cellular change.

Another rule important: It is to choose cosmetic products suitable for treating the skin subject to photo-oxidative stress.

The choice of products will radically influence the process of regeneration and skin maintenance.

What are the ingredients that can make a difference?

Recently he rediscovered "The snail slime" But from the oldest times that the benefits are drawn. Appreciated and used just like "Beauty elixir"The Snail slime with its active ingredients including GLicoproteins, hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid (from proven properties) it is able to protect, hydrate and regenerate the skin. It is also a cure -all for contrast the signs of the time, eliminate spots, dyscromias, imperfections and scars.

So the choice of a cream to be applied morning and evening must be accurate and ensure all the benefits for a perfect routine. 

What the cream contains Regenera Hydra Visage by Suisse Lab?


Only highly selected ingredients have been chosen to produce a highly performing beauty cream.

It feeds the skin in depth, prevents and slows down skin aging, shelters the damage of UV rays, pollution and acne. 

Snail slime

  • Nutritious: It is rich in vitamins, proteins and essential amino acids: a real skin supplement.

  • Anti -wrinkle and regenerating: allows you to slow down the progressive skin aging, making the fabrics more toned and elastic. In addition to relieving wrinkles, it makes less visible scars, skin spots, burns and other skin imperfections.

  • Peeling: contains glycolic acid, a substance that gently exfoliates the surface layer of the skin and stimulates the formation of collagen, making the skin smoother and luminous.

  • Stains and signs of acne: contains peptides and glycolic acid, exfoliating, smoothing and purifying substances, prevent accumulation of impurities and favor its elimination.

  • Antioxidant: It is rich in vitamin C, which contrasts the action of free radicals.

  • Moisturizing: Being rich in protein, this substance promotes oxygenation and hydration of the tissues.

Hyaluronic acid

  • Moisturizing: binds a high number of water molecules, which penetrate the fabrics rBy encouraging them more turgid and "filling" the small wrinkles temporarily. THEn depth Return volume to the skin again making it more swollen and full, while it Surface layer of the skin is more soft and elastic.

  • Anti-agingstimulates fibroblasts to increase there collagen production, Which together with elastine is one of the fundamental proteins for the structure of the skin. The deepest wrinkles are thinned and the milder ones are eliminated.

  • Sebo-regulatingregulate sebum production, avoiding that it be produced more than necessary. The overproduction of sebum is the main cause of the formation of pimples and acne in the worst cases.

  • Healing and anti-inflammatory: There is a direct connection between the quality of the scars and the amount of hyaluronic acid present in a person's body. It is also believed to be a good anti-inflammatory. For these reasons It is very effective for reducing acne scars and signs left by inflammation on the face. It also promotes cell regeneration and skin renewal in damaged areas.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

  • Antioxidant: protects the lipids of cell membranes and collagen from oxidation caused by free radicals.

  • Repairer: repairs and protects the skin from the damage caused by UV rays, pollution and smoking.

Applied morning and evening will give the skin immediate splendor and vitality. Visible effects already after a few days.

Remember: dry skin is the first step towards skin aging.

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