Bava di lumaca: Elisir di bellezza.

Snail Bava: beauty elixir.

Daily and for the entire duration of our life, the skin, as the most exposed organ, is continually put to the test. With the alternation of the seasons then, going from the cold and environmental pollution, to the heat with continuous exposures to the sun and heat, serious damage such as spots and dryness can occur.

It is commonly acted with the use of moisturizing or repairing creams sometimes "too commercial" charges of chemical agents such as, preservatives, petroleums and parabens  which unfortunately often go to aggravate these imperfections. How can we intervene?

Snail slime: extraordinary gift of nature.

Nature, you know, gives us everything we need. Choosing totally natural and organic products is the first step for the care of your body. For millennia, one of the most effective care for the skin is that of snail slime with extraordinary regenerative and curative properties. Already known since the times of Hippocrates, in the fifth century BC, he was already very appreciated precisely for his extraordinary virtues. Over time, traces of these precious testimonies have been lost, until a family that cultivated snails in Chile, for gastronomic purposes, rediscovered their extremely effective effects on the skin by pure chance. In fact, they noticed that, despite the rest of the body themselves following the natural aging process, their hands miraculously remained young and toned, and small any lesions self-caught very quickly.

The benefits of snail slime

Precisely for its extraordinary properties, the snail slime is used for multiple uses.  Rich in antioxidant properties to protect cells from free radicals, Viene transformed for gel or cream cosmetics and is considered a real cure -all for the treatment of stretch marks, acne, to reduce scars and wrinkles.  
Among the various active ingredients we find:

1. The collagen In it contained it is a protein that favors the tonicity of the skin, repairing it and restructuring it.

2. The allantoine It has remarkable soothing, moisturizing, purifying and pro-cycling properties.

3.L Elastin makes the skin elastic.

4. Glycolic acid He carries out as an exfoliating, promoting cellular change, contrasting skin discouragement and promoting the formation of endogenous collagen.  

With the regular use of this precious substance, there will be a constant and healthy epidermis renewal and, at the same time, the accumulation of impurities will be prevented. This will make the skin will always be luminous, hydrated, toned, compact and Especially young!

One of the main ingredients of the cosmetic cream Regenera Hydra Visage Of Suisse Lab It is precisely the snail slime.



With the triple action "regenerating, moisturizing and illuminating" It will be the ally of beauty to give the face a new appearance full of freshness. Already after a few days of constant applications, the skin is more compact, luminous and uniform, Grazie to an evident cell regeneration and greater tone of the skin. The complexion becomes more homogeneous, in addition a wonderful stands out effect Lifting.    

To obtain real benefits, it is recommended to use this extraordinary snail slime product twice a day, morning and evening. 

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