Spring air: how to resume physical activity and fight tiredness!
Finally spring has arrived and immediately projects us to the "summer season". With the longest days and the most warm temperatures, the desire to stay in the open air increases. Why then not take advantage to resume a little movement and awaken our body?
Physical activity in spring It is truly a cure -all for psycho -physical well -being, especially if practiced regularly and outdoors. Both sport and the sun in fact help the production of endorphins and increase the levels of serotonin the hormone that regulates the moods (also called happiness hormone) and dopamine, the hormone of motivation and pleasure. So in addition to finding the physical fitness (lost during the winter) the outdoor sport improves mood and eliminates stress.
So at long walks in the parks or outgoing bicycle outings to start getting back in shape to then face the costume test in peace. Not only that. The organism will also benefit from a spare and above all of a detox effect that will find more strength and energy.
How then to resume physical activity in spring?
The first advice is to undertake physical activity gradually, avoiding to exaggerate By subjecting your body to excessive stress, both with too strong training and with the high number of weekly training. The results are obtained in the long term with patience and constancy. If You have not practiced and exercise for some time, you will have to pay attention to the early stages, as, putting the muscles in motion little or at all trained in motion could lead to the risk of meeting tears or muscle contractures, such as back pain, distortions and pain joint. Even if you dedicate yourself to a sport you particularly like, It is not appropriate to start immediately with an intensive training, Especially when it comes from a sedentary lifestyle. It is preferable to start with moderation and constancy.
The phases.
- Streching: Start with muscle stretching. Dedicates at least twenty minutes to this important phase. He awakens the muscles, oxygenates them and prepares them for future training. As you can go down with the time to dedicate to stretching but never below the initial 5-7 minutes.
- Workout: Choose the activity you like most or more suits you also with your lifestyle: for lovers of outdoor sports, such as jogging, walking, ranning or trekking, we recommend carrying out approximately sessions of approximately 30 minutes (three / four times a week) and then gradually increase by 10 minutes in about two weeks and reach at least an hour of practice for three or four days a week.
Obviously the work in the gym must be followed by qualified technical staff. So let yourself be advised on the activities proposed by your trusted fitness center and perhaps contact a personal trainer if you really are fasting; He will prepare you to face future training in absolute safety.
Often, however, precisely in the change of season and in the spring period there is a strong sense of sleepiness and asthenia with excessive tiredness. So trying to practice sports at this time of year for someone can become a company against apathy, thus producing an opposite effect.
What does it depend on and how to fight the feeling of tiredness in spring?
Even if the days stretch, they become more sunny, the temperatures are flawed and the mood improves, it is easy to feel a feeling of tiredness. This occurs because the body, just like nature, warns of climate and environmental changes. Our metabolism also changes, requesting greater sources of energy to ensure that the body can adapt to this new condition. Spring is the season of rebirth.
What to do?
- Sport: As already said, start or resume thephysical activity In a constant way it is essential to help the body to get out of the type of lethargy typical of the winter season. Outdoors or in the gym it is important to move the body, stimulate and "awaken" organic and metabolic functions. Choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and constantly practice it for at least three or four times a week.
- Diet: He takes care of the diet by preferring a balanced diet with the choice of healthy foods. Opt for all foods they contain vitamins, such as legumes, vegetables and cereals who offer an contribution of Vitamin B, while citrus fruits, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables they are particularly rich in Vitamin C. The vCoucked or raw eras will always have to accompany meals. Make sure that 50% of your own dish is made up of vegetables and finish the main meals with a fruit, or do not forget to use fruit as a snack or as a hunger break. Decrease the daily quantity of carbohydrates (without completely eliminating them) and completely avoids junk food (junk food), snacks, desserts and alcohol. In addition to being heavy to digest, they favor the blood sugar peaks (due to the massive presence of sugars) that stimulate the sense of tiredness and fatigue as well as increasing the stimulus of hunger only after a few minutes. Increase proteins like White meat, fish, eggs, tofu and fresh fruit.
- Hydration: It is essential to always keep the body and the body well hydrated. The water eliminates the accumulated toxins and keeps the digestive system active. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, especially in the first part of the day precisely to prevent the draining effect from disturbing sleep. During physical activity it is advisable to drink at least 30 minutes of training. Getting help from tea and even cold herbal teas that in this period satisfy the desire for fresh drinks, typical of the first days of heat. Avoid completely o As much as possible, however, the intake of carbonated drinks and industrial fruit juices. Squeezes and smoothies are also perfect for snacks.
- Restore: regulates the vigil rhythm - sleep Not Never forget to sleep enough: sleep It is essential for body health. A healthy body needs 7/8 hours (possibly without interruptions) to restore strength. During the hours of sleep, the body recovers the labors of the exercise and metabolizes food.
- Lifestyle: Whether spring or any other season of the year the advice is always to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Call for laziness! Park away from your office or if you have the chance go to work on foot or by bicycle. Take the stairs every time you have the opportunity. Small changes in which in the long term will reward you in quality of life by increasing the health and well -being of the whole body.
If then the goal in the spring is also that of want to lose a few pounds Too much winter has left us inheritance, in addition to physical activity and nutrition, associates the intake of Food supplements burning fat.
The FAt Burner Evolution Of Suisse Lab It is an excellent remedy to increase the metabolism of fats and sugars. You will reach the ideal weight in less time and you will keep the long -term results. 100% natural supplement does not present contraindications; It does not contain neither caffeine nor exciting agents and therefore it is safe for the health of the organism without giving addication to the product.
Thoroughly selected and top quality ingredients make this supplement a solution to the extra pounds without compromising health and above all while maintaining the mood and vital the body.
In conclusion: Always keep your body active And continuously stimulates the body with new emotions or small daily challenges. Take care of the power supply, do regular physical activity and rested sufficiently. In a nutshell, take care of your well -being and enjoy the most beautiful season.