30 minutes Total Workout: easy, simple and effective!
Do you have little time and can't attend a gym?
With the arrival of the summer we begin to feel the need to "awaken" even a little our body and get back in shape but often free time to devote to ourselves remains little. Here then is a thirty minutes training easy but super effective to do at home or in the open air e Without technical equipment. You will need a mat, two weights (even 2 bottles full of water or sand will be fine) and a little grit!
For those who are already an expert, we recommend starting immediately trying to perform as many repetitions as possible in the established time, which will be approximately 30 seconds For exercise (by increasing it possibly depending on the degree of preparation), while for those who are novice the advice is to start perceiving the right work of the body and then increasing the speed and pushing of execution. Recover about 20 seconds between one exercise and another. Make some general heating before starting the routine.
Total workout
1. Russian Twist: Sitting only by resting the butt on the ground and feet raised by the floor (the first few times the beginners can keep their feet resting on the ground) Perform twisted by bringing the arms with the united hands, from one side of the torso to the other and blowing air from the lungs on each movement. Try to keep your legs stopped and stable.
2. Crunch: sitting with the feet resting on the ground and the knees flexed; Hands behind the neck and elbows pushed out; Raise the upper part of the back approaching the chest to the knees without forcing the cervical area. Concentrate on the abdominal area and make sure that the lower back poggi perfectly on the ground. When you go out, on the contrary when you get offered.
3. Lateral lunges: From the erect position, perform a side step with the foot well resting on the ground with the tip forward and bend the knee until the parallel thigh to the floor. Projet your torso slightly forward and push the foot you brought out (spring effect) to return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg alternating the execution. Exhale in the ascent and inspire in the side pass.
4.Side Legs: lying on the ground on one side with your legs stretched out. Raise one leg by contracting buttocks and abdomen. Always go down with your leg tense until you touch your foot on the ground. Repeat the movement.
5. Stastacchi with tense legs: Standing, straight back legs width pelvis, holds the weights with the palms of the hands towards the body, arms stretched below. Slide the weights on the thighs and go down with your torso and straight back, look forward. Contract the buttocks and femoral biceps to go up.
6. Squat: from the erect position, feet to the same width as the pelvis with your hands behind the neck (or arms undergiving forward); Bend the knees bringing the butt back and projects your back forward; Squeeze the buttocks to go up and push the heels on the floor. Be careful not to push my knees back into the final phase of the ascent.
7. Plank: Get on your knees with your elbows on the ground, bring your legs back back, resting your feet on the tips and lifts the pelvis taking care to keep your back straight and parallel to the floor. Keep the concentration by keeping the abdominal muscles and buttocks contracts.
8. Sumo Squat: With your feet to a width slightly higher than that of the shoulders and with the tips facing outside, take the weights in your hand and keep them in front of the hips. Make a squat pushing the pelvis backwards, keeping the knees facing outwards and the chest well open. It touches the weights on the ground in the middle of the legs. Returns to the starting position.
9. Superman: From the position prone legs stretched out and slightly spaced. Extend your arms over your head keeping your forehead resting on the ground. Contract the abs and buttocks and simultaneously raise the legs and arms. The limbs I have to be and remain thesis. Push your arms and legs away as if I wanted to detach them from the torso.
10. Fire Hydrants: From the carponi position with the knees to the same width of the pelvis, lift one leg keeping the knee flexed and feeling the contraction on the buttock and on the external part of the leg. He reports the leg in the starting position without touching the floor and touching the other leg immediately repeat the execution.
11.ly (arms) lateral: From the erect position and with the legs slightly spaced, he removes his arms from the bust lifting them up to the height of the shoulders. He returns to the starting position and repeat.
12. Plank in rotation: Starting from the position of Side Plank with an elbow resting on the ground (shoulder aligned on the elbow and elbow aligned in hand) and the other bent behind the neck, keep the contraction on the side area of the bust and rotate the shoulder and the elbow towards the resting arm on the ground performing twisting.
13. Jump Squat: With your hands resting behind the neck (if you are a beginner, leave your arms along the body, they will give you more push!) You make a squat and when you are about to go up the higher above you can. When you land, keep your knees soft and start the Squat Jump movement immediately again.
At the end of the session, always remember to do some muscle elongation.
Drink during training and always pay close attention to the right execution.
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