Prevenzione pelle a buccia d'arancia: scopri gli sport più efficaci.

Orange peel skin prevention: discover the most effective sports.

"Orange peel" effect how and why does it manifest itself?

The appearance of the effect of orange peel skin skin, in addition to being an imperfection is a real inflammation of subcutaneous tissues. It is formed in depth, in the dermis, which nourishes the epidermis, where the fat cells are found that support our skin. Just in the epidermis (the layer most on the surface) those annoying "sketches" appear that characterize the presence of cellulite. Among the fat cells (adipocytes), moreover, the capillaries that form the blood and lymphatic microcirculation pass. The function of the microcirculation is twofold and very important. These capillaries:

  • "Collect" the waste substances;
  • "release" oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Having a good microcirculation therefore becomes very important for our body: poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, stress, smoking and alcohol can make our microcirculation go crazy ", slowing it down so as not to be able to oxygenate the tissues in a sufficient and correct way. The cells are inflamed and the skin on the surface becomes opaque and similar to orange peel

There may be many causes of the appearance of cellulite: in addition to the lifestyle and sedentary lifestyle, genetic and hormonal factors affect; It is usually more present in women rather than in men. There cellulite is a stagnation of liquids, which is concentrated in some specific areas of the body, such as thighs, buttocks And legs.

Contrast the presence of cellulitAnd it means eliminating the stagnation of liquids. To do this, it is necessary to follow a constancy with anphysical activity, one healthy diet (low in fat and rich in water, at least 1.5 lt) and help with the massage. (read here)

What are the physical activities that can help to contrast cellulite?

When we talk about physical activity, we not only refer to classic sports. Also moving in everyday life is fundamental! Always keep an active lifestyle and take advantage of every moment to move: avoid the lift for a few floors, prefer the bicycle and walk every time you can!

If you want to delete cellulite then, you have to move! So in addition to a balanced diet, physical activity is very important; Increase muscle tone and decrease water retention. The skin becomes a day more compact and bright. Choose the sport that suits you most: both in the gym and in the open air, the important thing is to act! 

In gym It is good to be followed by an instructor who will better advise the path to be taken to achieve their goals.activity type aerobics An ’is flankedmuscle toning activities. The results will not be expected if you can be constant. So don't believe that a walk on Sunday or housework bring results; The training must be continuous and targeted.

For those who do not like closed places, like the gym, the alternative is to do jogging outdoor.

Walk fastAnd helps fight the cellulite. These activities favor the rise of blood and lymph towards the heart, preventing the stagnation of these liquids in the thighs. If you don't like walking on the road, in the gym you can follow the courses of Walking.

Water activities are also excellent methods to eliminate or in any case reduce cellulite: Swimming, Acquagym Hydrobike And all fitness activities in water are all aerobic disciplines which, exploiting the characteristic movements of traditional courses, which in addition to toning thanks to the restoration of water, favor the proper functioning of the microcirculation precisely because the water performs a continuous and gradual massage which improves blood circulation and reactivate the lymphatic one. Outimo also to burn calories and lose weight: the water fitness consumes from 400 to 600 calories per session depending on the type. 

The I swim It is particularly suitable for fighting overweight and orange peel skin effect because it urges the muscles of the entire body. Thanks to the horizontal position and the fresh effect of the water, you will get the benefits of an effective and very pleasant lymphatic massage. Farewell to the swollen and heavy legs. What if the water is not for you? Walk!

It has been shown that walking with a supported march increases the metabolism and the production of endorphins, therefore: via stress and increases psychophysical well -being. It also tones the legs, strengthens the cardio-play aid and burns about 400 cal/hour. 

ll Nordic walking, that is, the walking with the sticks is an activity to be carried out on the hill or on mountain routes; Complete and practicable sport at any age, which will give a toned body like that of a background skier. It burns many calories about 600 for an hour and improves respiratory functions. The use of the sticks frees the muscle tensions of the shoulders and the neck and guarantees a good balance of the effort throughout the body. 

The crossfit It is the training of the moment It brings benefits to 360 ° and above all thanks a great variety of exercises, the "boredom" effect typical of a classic training in the tool room is easily overcome. Practibable both in the gym, with group courses, and in the open air with circuits to be predefined, tones and defines the muscles, oxidizes fats and slimming the body in a few weeks.

Whatever your favorite sport or the one that is most suited with your lifestyle will be an excellent Solution to fight cellulite.  Welcome to training also in the gym, with an appropriate work card with squats, lunges. It is detached but add at least twice a week an aerobic training session, which will serve you to burn fat and calories (ride uphill of 30 minutes, or race, or bike). Planning A correct diet: you will see that you will reach your goal very soon! Often the bearings are given the result of everything that form useless volume, such as fat and water retention. To obtain improvements, it is therefore necessary to work not only on muscle tone, but also on a reduction in water retention and subcutaneous fat through abalanced nutrition. 

The use of food supplements both for the weight control, for the purification or to improve theVenous insufficiency  It can be a valid solution to achieve the benefits and results with less time.

Hemo Capillary Strong Of Suisse Lab It will go to deflate and lighten the legs, helping the function of the microcirculation. With draining and anti -cellulite effect it gives the skin a brighter and more compact appearance by eliminating the "orange peel" effect effect 

All Suisse Lab supplements are 100% natural And they do not contain caffeine or exciting agents. However, our advice is to always contact a specialist before taking any physical and nutritional activity. 

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