Vacanze terminate. Come tornare in forma?

Holidays ended. How to get back in shape?

Finished holidays. How to get back in shape?

During the holidays did you completely abandon physical activity to enjoy your rest period to the maximum? And now that relaxation is over, what to do to resume the right stimuli? Now, it's time to get back in shape, how? It is not very needed: just have willpower, resume work and daily rhythms and remember that psycho-physical well-being also passes and above all from the movement.

Here are some tricks to abandon laziness and start setting up. 

Wanting is power.

No procrastination! All the daily routine activities are immediately taken up by trying above all to review the diet that will have to be for a period of at least three weeks, capable of purifying the body by preferring draining and detoxifying foods so as to allow the body to eliminate all waste excessive of a period of vices and unruly.

If during the year you do sports regularly, it will not be difficult to return to the winter rhythms, but always remember to resume all physical activities with just caution and common sense perhaps starting with three sessions per week of 30-40 min, and then increased to Maximum of your threshold.

If, on the other hand, you move occasionally or you have always postponed the registration in the gym or swimming pool but you still feel the need to start a healthy and regular life, this is the right time! Take advantage of the beautiful sunny days for a few weeks to go to work possibly on foot or by bicycle. If the work is too far away you can do some bike during the lunch break (a few exercises are enough to start). Physical activity starts from a conscious decision: that of wanting to be and feeling fit.

You can start with a little outdoor activity;  Half an hour a day to dedicate to what you like to do, whether it is running, bicycle or walking. Gradually increase the time, it will thus become mechanical, almost a need.

Some little advice:

"Open 24h" gyms are the new style of understanding personal training. By now in almost all cities, you can choose to train at any time of the day. If you really say you don't have time there are millions of apps and tutorials that can help us.

Virtual Personal Trainer: no excuses! It is not necessary to go to the gym to do physical activity: today just download an app to have a virtual personal trainer at hand. And for any discipline: from yoga race, to meditation. Try the free version and dedicate yourself of the quality time.  

Video tutorial: do you love practicing you in the living room of your home? Consult YouTube in search of the perfect video. Video tutorials allow you to perform the movements correctly, doing sports comfortably at home. The ideal choice when you have little time. (theEggi too here)

Nutrition and integration.

What if due to a different diet or low -calorie diet, will tiredness or stress be felt? The help of supplements will be fundamental. Different types on the market now the supplements give the right contribution of non -assimilated nutrients or for lack or deficit, by a diet too often hasty or disordered. With the help of proper food integration, therefore, you can benefit from faster recovery of resources.

The so -called "dietary" food supplements will always have to be combined with a correct and healthy diet to ensure that their task is carried out in an excellent way.  Let us remember that we cannot demand from a supplement to do the work of "waste disposal" but there may be of enormous help in opening the elements to the body to do it.

Why start doing sports? (Read here too)

Move daily proDuce positive effects on the physical and psychic health of the person. The scientific studies that confirm the beneficial effects are now countless and highlight that physical activity:

  • It improves glucose tolerance and reduces the risk of getting type 2 diabetes;
  • It prevents hypercholesterolemia and hypertension and reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • The risk of development of heart disease and different tumors decreases, such as colon and breasts;
  • reduces the risk of premature death, in particular that caused by heart attack and other heart disease;
  • It prevents and reduces osteoporosis and the risk of fractures, but also musculoskeletal disorders (for example back pain);
  • reduces symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression;
  • It prevents, especially among children and young people, risk behaviors such as the use of tobacco, alcohol, non -healthy diets and violent attitudes and promotes psychological well -being through the development of self -esteem, autonomy and ease of managing anxiety and stressful situations;
  • produces energy expenditure and the decrease in the risk of obesity

Adopt a healthier lifestyle, with ahealthy Accompanied by sport, it involves a change and often this is scary, because it means having to abandon the old dear habits. The trick, however, lies in evaluating the advantages: a better level of psycho-physical well-being, less stress, a redefined body. Once the optimal well -being standards have been reached, it will hardly be decided to return to the old habits (read here)

It was therefore found that physical activity, if practiced frequently, significantly affects the state of health and well -being of people. Sport not only allows you to add years to life, but increases the quality of the same over the years. Since 1992, the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) has established that physical activity involves short and long -term psychological improvements and produces psychological well -being. The personal benefits deriving from practicing physical activity have been identified among others in

  • an increase in trust and awareness,
  • an improvement in the mood tone with reduction of depression and anxiety,
  • a positive change in self -perception,
  • an increase in energy and ability to cope with daily activities,
  • An increase in pleasure for exercise and social contacts a greater state of promptness and mental clarity.

We just have to start immediately!


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