Reset Metabolico: cos'è e come funziona.

Metabolic reset: what it is and how it works.

With the term "Metabolic reset"We mean a scheme that provides for changes on the nutrition and physical activity of a person with slow metabolism, with the aim of stimulating and accelerating the latter parameter. Also called Reverse Diet It is developed on the person precisely to bring out the body from a metabolic stall situation. How many times have been heard of slow metabolism? If despite a poor diet, it is not possible to lose weight, it is possible, to be stumbled upon in this situation. We must therefore reset everything and start again, that is to take the so -called Metabolic reset; This protocol is based on a diet opposed to those of any other low -calorie diet.

What does metabolic reset consist of?

There Reverse Diet or Metabolic reset It leads to increase the calories taken daily in a gradual way with the aim of identifying the maximum of the daily requirement that you can maintain without taking excess kilos.

When the body is ready and the metabolism reactivated, all the energies will be consumed and distributed in the right way. The body itself will no longer stand out in the "Carestia Caloria" period and therefore will not be forced to retain everything ingested. All this process will be optimal to maintain the weight.

When we talk about reset the metabolism We refer to the possibility of awakening the body and its ability to burn calories. MetabolismIn a very simple way, it is that process that refers to the amount of energy that the body needs to maintain its vital functions (for example breathing, sleeping, digesting) but also to the total daily energy expenditure. Following incorrect diets or food regimes, too low in calories, or after using refined products considerably, or, after following bars and replacement meals (such as Beveroni or other), situations of metabolic stall. The metabolic reset obviously has reason to be put into practice only if you are not in the presence of pathologies that can damage the metabolic activity of the body.

On what mechanisms can you intervene to stimulate the metabolism?

Metabolism basalAnd it varies from person to person and is characterized by the presence of various factors such as weight, age, sex, physical activity. When it "slows down" it means that despite the introduction of little food, quite calories do not burn. Speed ​​it therefore means reactivating it and increasing one's daily energy expenditure.

To perform a metabolic reset optimal it is always advisable to contact a nutritionist or dietician precisely because it is necessary to follow a precise food scheme in which all the macronutrients that the body needs, that is proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This calculation is linked to the starting weight, the diet had until then, if you practice sports or lead a sedentary life. There Reverse Diet It must be followed for as long as necessary, under strict control and may take two or more months; Recall that the lightning diets usually work only in the short term by restoring the pounds lost as soon as the diet returns to normal.

If, on the other hand, you want to try to take a "do -it -yourself" road accordingly It will be fundamental Dedicate some time to some mathematical calculation. If you then entrust yourself to experts, they will indicate how much and how you will have to eat.

Who can follow the Reverse Diet?

The Reverse Diet can be followed, as we anticipated at the beginning, by people who eating little they can no longer lose lost (or, that as soon as they have an even higher income, it tends to take weight) But also by those who, despite being normal, are not satisfied with their physical shape, seeing little toned: in the latter case the weight loss will be a little faster.

Then by undertaking this tailor -made food strategy, you will be able to consume fat mass in favor of the lean one. This process is fundamental and optimal for subjects who practice a lot of sport, as it is unthinkable to model the physique or achieve athletic objectives, without eating adequately, or rather, without giving your body the petrol it needs.

What is the diet to follow in Reverse Diet?

As already specified, the Reverse Diet is based on a diet that tends to slowly increase the calories introduced daily, specifically by 3-4%. However, this parameter vary from the person above all by the general physical condition. Having a diet of about 1200 calories and as soon as they "rude" swelling and heaviness (and to take some hectares) it is preferable to increase by about 50 kal per week so the situation must be strictly controlled and monitored.

This means starting the first week at 1250 kcal per day, the second at 1300 kcal per day and so on. There amount of protein It is calculated by multiplying the minimum grams recommended by kg of body weight. If there is absence of sports activities, the quantity is of 0.8 grams at the kiloon the contrary if physical activity has a cadence of 3 times a week, it rises to 1.6 grams per kilo.

For i fat, the quantity is around 0.8 grams per kilo of body weight. For the calculation of carbohydrates, must first of all be added the calories that come from proteins and fats, then:

  • N ° grams of protein x number of calories 
  • N ° grams of fat x number of calories

The sum of these results subtracted from the total daily caloric (for example 1250 kcal) will be the sum of the total calories that will have to derive from carbohydrates. These calories, in turn, must be divided by 4, as 1 gram of carbohydrates is equivalent to 4 kcal. The result will be the grams of carbohydrates to be taken daily.

When there is a stalemate, therefore, neither increase and nor decrease in weight, it has been reached The maximum share of calories daily within which the body remains in shape or the one from which to start to gradually decrease calories with the aim of losing weight effectively and reaching the weight.

In conclusion.

Considering all the factors above, to aim for a metabolic reset it is necessary:

  • Increase the income of carbohydrates gradually (10-20 gr. Per week) reaching a minimum quantity of 4 gr/kg up to 7 gr/kg or more depending on the type of physical activity, constitution and tolerance to the aforementioned macronutrient .
  • Consequently, increase the caloric income up to a minimum of 30-35 kcal/kg always reaching the sport practiced at 35-40 kcal/kg increasing them by 40-60 kcal every 70-14 days (8).
  • Bring the protein needs to a minimum of 1gr if sedentary and up to 2.5 gr./kg depending on the degree of physical activity carried out.
  • Keep the fat component on the gram for kg of body weight.
  • Associate high intensity physical activity.

It is important to remember that these indications still remain general addresses and that they must then be adapted to the individual person in operation, as already repeated several times, of the Constitution, pathological states, food habits, physical activity and lifestyle.

What are the disadvantages of the metabolic reset?

There are no particular contraindications In taking the path of the metabolic reset, since, if set and performed correctly, it allows you to shake the metabolism a shock and to bring it back to optimal functionality. 

The only disadvantages, if they can be defined, are the need to plan meals every week with the right contribution of calories and macronutrients,; sacrifice necessary to aspire to all results that can be obtained.

To speed up the metabolism, the workshops Suisse Lab have developed the Fat Burner Evolution, 100% natural supplement capable of decreasing the absorption of fats and sugars by metabolizing them.


Thoroughly selected and controlled ingredients make this food supplement a highly high product ensuring an excellent result. It does not contain neither caffeine and nor exciting agents can therefore be taken at all hours without altering the frequency wake of sleep.

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