Contorno occhi secco? Ecco come rimediare

Dry eye contour? Here's how to remedy it

The eye area is one of the most sensitive and delicate areas of the face. For this reason it requires specific and different treatment from the rest of the face....

Dry eye contour? Here's how to remedy it

The eye area is one of the most sensitive and delicate areas of the face. For this reason it requires specific and different treatment from the rest of the face....

Zuccheri e carboidrati: una vera dipendenza!

Sugars and carbohydrates: a real addiction!

Daily we take on a quantity of sugars and carbohydrates certainly excessive for our needs and this without even realizing it precisely because they are hidden in foods where we...

Sugars and carbohydrates: a real addiction!

Daily we take on a quantity of sugars and carbohydrates certainly excessive for our needs and this without even realizing it precisely because they are hidden in foods where we...

Bava di lumaca: Elisir di bellezza.

Snail Bava: beauty elixir.

Daily and for the entire duration of our life, the skin, as the most exposed organ, is continually put to the test. With the alternation of the seasons then, going...

Snail Bava: beauty elixir.

Daily and for the entire duration of our life, the skin, as the most exposed organ, is continually put to the test. With the alternation of the seasons then, going...

Fai risplendere il tuo sguardo con l'aiuto della natura

Have your gaze shine with the help of nature

Discounts and bags under the eyes are frequent, widespread both in women and men and can also present themselves at a young age. Their appearance may depend on many factors:...

Have your gaze shine with the help of nature

Discounts and bags under the eyes are frequent, widespread both in women and men and can also present themselves at a young age. Their appearance may depend on many factors:...

Giornata Detox: depurati dopo Pasqua

Detox day: purified after Easter

The Easter holidays almost always give us those two or three kilos too many. Also this year also long bridges and rest days from any business. The desire to be...

Detox day: purified after Easter

The Easter holidays almost always give us those two or three kilos too many. Also this year also long bridges and rest days from any business. The desire to be...

Addome piatto in 5 mosse!

Flat abdomen in 5 moves!

The clarification to be done immediately is that unfortunately there are no lightning exercises that allow to eliminate localized and targeted fat. For flatten and sculpt the abdominal area, therefore...

Flat abdomen in 5 moves!

The clarification to be done immediately is that unfortunately there are no lightning exercises that allow to eliminate localized and targeted fat. For flatten and sculpt the abdominal area, therefore...