Snacks and snacks: the fundamental rules for not penalizing hunger and losing weight without sacrifices!
The too frenetic rhythms, stress and haste, I often lead us to make us forget to eat correctly and all this goes to the detriment of our line.
In order not to get to lunch or dinner, with the cramps of hunger it is appropriate to stop even 5 minutes for a small break "Spezza-Fame". This moment of break brings a sense of psychophysical well -being and also gives us the opportunity to keep our metabolism high, but above all it makes us get to the main meals with less feeling of hunger. On the contrary, however, we often find ourselves eating even for boredom, sneaking anything in hand. Also in this case, adjust the snacks in a cadenced way, it becomes the best solution to appease the sense of hunger and organize the diet.
To lose weight you have to eat ... well!
Our body needs energy for all the activities it must carry out, both when it is at rest and when it is on the move. The "petrol" that allows our body to move is precisely food.
By eating less, therefore, the energy we provide, causing a slowdown in the metabolism, decreases.
In fact, having no more fuel to burn, the metabolism will be forced to slow down "to consume less, burning even slowly the excess fatty reserves.
Why is it important to make snacks in slimming diets?
To have a healthy and correct diet, to be fit and healthy it is important to consume 5 meals per day, of which:
• 3 main (breakfast 25%, 35%lunch and dinner 30%)
• 2 snacks (one in the middle of the morning 5% and the other in mid -afternoon 5%).
It is not always true that eating more often than eats more. On the contrary! Two healthy and balanced daily snacks help to lose weight and maintain an active metabolism. It also allows us to get to meals with the right appetite without running the risk of bingeing us for too much hunger.
The snacks are therefore to be considered fundamental moments of the day. What are the most common errors in the Management of a diet?
• Skip breakfast and overcome the recommended calories for the snack.
• Skip the snack and "spiluccia" during the day.
• Exaggerate with sweet and savory snacks (often loaded with sugars and fats).
• Drinking sugary drinks (they bring calories but no nutritious).
• Abusing alcoholic beverages (with serious consequences for weight and health).
Insert a healthy, tasty snack and in line with your diet and lifestyle
Get foods "ready for use" if the time available is little and you don't even want to prepare ad hoc dishes.
10 healthy and greedy snacks to lose weight
Not only healthy and light snacks but also the right allies when you want sweets, to keep stress at bay, against nervous hunger, for purify you and deflate you.
1. Yogurt and seasonal fruit. Little calorie and satiant, I am in the first place among the hunger friends of the line. Rich in good bacteria, which have a real detoxifying action against the body: they facilitate digestion and help fight the accumulation of toxins. The ideal is to choose it natural and add fresh seasonal fruit in small pieces. Fruit versions should be avoided. They contain little and are rich in sugars, which raise blood sugar in the blood and stimulate hunger.
2. Almonds, Pistacch hazelnutsthe, In addition to satisfying the palate because they are pleasant to munch on, they give energy and help to keep hunger attacks at bay. Attention to the quantities: the right dose is 3-4 walnuts or 4-6 almonds or hazelnuts (not salty) for a healthy snack. Snack loaded with vitamin B6, vitamin E and Omega 3. Dry fruit is an ideal mini meal for the afternoon. It helps to keep the mind shiny and snappy and to contrast the drops of concentration.
3. Finocchi, With 100 grams, take only 15 calories! A concentrate of minerals, vitamins and precious antioxidants for the body have a high satiating power because they are rich in water and fibers. Cut into wedges and put in a food bag, they can be brought everywhere.
4. Fruit salad: For example: 1 apple, 1 pear and 2 kiwis in small pieces and put in a bowl with half a glass of fresh orange juice, becomes a real concentrate of mineral salts and vitamins. In addition, this mix is rich in fiber, which allow you to reach the sense of satiety faster and keep hunger at bay. A good smoothie is also ideal for a healthy and balanced snack.
5. The ice cream, can be a valid alternative to a sweet without too many guilt, just don't overdo the quantities. Choose an artisan ice cream in the cup. A ball of fruit ice cream includes between 50 and 60 calories. It also in tastes like chocolate and hazelnut: a ball does not exceed 100 calories.
6. Also chocolate It is one of the snacks granted. There is the belief that the milk is more caloric than the dark one, but in reality the difference is minimal. And to stay under 100 calories, you can enjoy it 4 squares. No, however, to chocolate with hazelnuts, almonds or fillings.
7. Salad snacks: A slice of wholemeal bread with a veil of fresh cheese (about a teaspoon) spread on the surface and with a slice of bresaola. Bresaola is the "top" food of those who are very attentive to the line: a slice, in fact, contains only 15 calories.
8. Greek yogurt: Compared to the traditional, Greek yogurt has a higher protein content. In fact, it contains about 17 grams of protein compared to the 11 content in classic yogurt. It will therefore make you feel more satisfied longer.
9. Crackers A package of whole crakers is a snack of which, however, you don't have to abuse, because it still remains an industrial product. Once a week, if you really go, that's fine.
10 Pop Corn: With 25 g of dry corn, you can get 120 grams of popcorn! Predict homemade popcorn that are healthy and cheaper snacks. The advice: do not add salt.
And the snacks to avoid?
"Dietary" bars and commercial snacks or light; orltre not to bring the right nutrients are expensive and do not help to lose weight. On the contrary! In reality they often contain additives. Remember: a portion of vegetables or fresh fruit, calm the sense of hunger without, among other things, engrave too much on the wallet and balance.
As already mentioned, to pay attention to sudden hunger attacks, or to better manage the appetite once at the table, you must always eat 5 times a day but to have a valid support for checking hunger attacks there is an excellent help It offers nature or dietary supplements. The perfect ally is the Body Restore Plus Dthe Suisse Lab, lanti hunger par excellence because it reduces the absorption of ingested calories, gives a sense of immediate satiety and appears the feeling of hunger. Body Restore Plus by Suisse Lab is a 100% natural supplement and contains only carefully selected ingredients, such as the Griffonia and the Guaranà Excellent for the control control e Increase the metabolism. The double formula in fact guarantees the sense of satiety and an increase in the metabolism of fat and sugars.