High cholesterol? How to keep it under control.
THE'hypercholesterolemia It is a problem that concerns almost 40% of Italians. Lifestyle, genetic factors and nutrition, smoke and alcohol are the main causes.
But what is cholesterol? It is a fatty substance present in the blood, produced by the body that performs different and important functions, it can become harmful mainly for the cardiovascular system, if present in high quantities. This substance is very important in that it is involved in digestive processes, for the production of vitamin D and is able to facilitate the constituent process of the cells of the cells and above all of the nervous system.
Of cholesterol exists that "GOOD" HDL which is absolutely not harmful to the body, on the contrary it favors it as already mentioned multiple functions, and that "bad" LDL That depositing in the arterial walls increases the risk of heart attack, arteriosclerosis, strokes and different cardiovascular diseases.
As already mentioned, high cholesterol can occur following a poor diet (especially if rich in fats), excessively sedentary lifestyle but can also be a hereditary problem and in some cases also concern children. It can often be connected to some diseases such as diabetes and thyroid dysfunctions also linked to obesity.
Hypercholesterolemia which occurs when the values of cholesterol exceed 240 mg/ as the data of the ISS-ANMCO cardiovascular epidemiological observatory (Higher Institute of Health-National Association of Hospital Cardiologists)/ Health Examination Survey are noted.
Specifically, the causes of an increased level of blood cholesterol are different and often connected to each other:
● Genetic defects
● Inheritance
● Organ pathologies (e.g. liver, kidneys, thyroid)
● Assumption of drugs (e.g. cortisone, anabolic, certain beta-blockers, some contraceptive, diuretic and certain antidepressant hormones))
● Stress
● smoke
● Excessive intake of animal fats
● Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates
● sedentary lifestyle
● Vitamin C deficiency
Immediately correcting the diet with legumes, fruit and vegetables is the first step to keep cholesterolemia under control. Zero cigarettes and alcohol and many walks will have to become daily habits to be constantly maintained.
How important are fats in nutrition?
Saturated and unsaturated fats. Numerous studies have shown that a diet rich in saturated fat increases the risk of hypercholesterolemia. By saturated fats we mean all those fats that are solid at room temperature such as the white fat of meat or butter. The unsaturated "fatty fats" are all those fats that are liquids at room temperature such as olive oil. But even in this case, although it is good fats, consumption is advisable to moderate.
How to prevent high cholesterol?
In the milder forms, it is sufficient to change the diet and lifestyle to obtain numerous benefits. Following a healthy and balanced diet rich in foods of vegetable and poor fats is the first rule to avoid the presence of high cholesterol. Equally important to prevent and combat hypercholesterolemia is to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle with the right dose of daily physical activity. In the most important cases, in addition to food and sporting advice, a real drug therapy will be associated, able to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and reduce risks.
The diet to lower the high cholesterol.
What are the foods to be taken to prevent and fight hypercholesterolemia and increase good cholesterol?
- Legumes: Prim among all The lupine. Legumes such as beans, lentils, chickpeas are foods rich in fiber and are able to slow down the absorption speed of cholesterol in our body. The soluble fibers derived from legumes (and apples) are able to tie the bile salts in the intestine and eliminate them. These are produced in the liver starting from cholesterol. Therefore the liver must produce more cholesterol intended for the formation of bile salts and the values of LDL and triglycerides are lowered.
- Fruit and vegetables: at least one portion per meal per day of vegetables and 2 of fruit; Together with the legumes to provide the body with the right amount of fiber And they are also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, essential to reduce global cardiovascular risk. Walnuts are also good for the heart and are able to reduce high cholesterol, but it should not be exceeded in the quantities. Calorie food, 50 gr will be sufficient per day. Perfect as a snack.
- OATS: It is able to lower the LDL bad cholesterol; The beta-glucan contained in it is able to absorb LDL cholesterol allowing the body to expel it.
- Full foods: Pasta, rice, cereals and wholemeal bread are rich in fiber and therefore able to reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. Even barley is also excellent for helping to lower cholesterol.
- FISH: Food to be consumed without problems 2-3 times a week. Steam cooked, grilled or foil, the fish is rich in omega-3 which is not only able to prevent any heart disease but is also able to increase good cholesterol. Fries to avoid and limit the consumption of molluscs and crustaceans.
- MEAT: It is important to limit the consumption of meat and possibly prefer A thin cut and without visible fat. Foods such as friars and sausages rich in saturated fats are not recommended; Choose to eat lean sausages such as bresaola or ham from which the part can be eliminated
- Milk, yogurt and cheeses: To be consumed in moderation and always prefer lean cheeses. For milk, the skimmed or partially skimmed one is preferable while for yogurt better to opt for the low fat content.
- EGG: preferably No more than 2-3 times a week, also limiting the consumption, pasta and baked goods contain them.
- Condiments: As already mentioned, fats of animal origin such as butter and lard are to be avoided. Extra virgin olive oil, soy seeds, sunflower, corn and rice are excellent but always if used in moderation. Rice oil also has important antique properties.
So it will be important to have a healthy, balanced and poor fat diet. The "bad" cholesterol is defeated with a balanced diet but also by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Small precautions to be introduced into everyday life to improve one's well -being.
1. Physical activity: To increase good cholesterol levels and lower the bad one, in addition to a healthy diet, you must be associated with a regular and constant physical activity . Already a simple one stroll Quick pace can be very important to fight cholesterol. It is advisable to practice aerobic activities at least 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week. Sports such as running, swimming, cycling, walking and spinning are perfect for keeping the cholesterol values in the blood under control.
2. Smoking: Strongly harmful to health, smoking is also able to lower "good" cholesterol levels.
3. Shape: It is very important to have and keep under control body weight To avoid important pathologies also related to high cholesterol levels.
How to normalize the values of cholesterol?
Once all possible food corrections are implemented together with your doctor and adopted a healthier style, it can also be resorted to the hiring offood supplements capable of lowering cholesterol, always in the absence of series ascertained pathologies.
The Cardio Factor Max Of Suisse Lab It was born precisely for the prevention and control of the values of cholesterol in the blood. The basic ingredient of this supplement is the Lupine, who thanks to the presence of Omega 3 And Omega 6 It fights bad cholesterol. Also, the high content of fiber allows you to reduce cholesterol in the blood due to a reduced fat absorption.
Like all the products of the Suisse Lab line, the Cardio Factor Max is a 100% natural supplement. Hiring regularly helps fight high cholesterol levels and control values over time.