Trucchi per dimagrire senza dieta e senza palestra.

Tricks for weight loss without diet and without gym.

Is weight loss without diet possible?  

With the arrival of the summer you let yourself go some small relief and you have less desire to organize nutrition and physical activity, so soon we often find ourselves dealing with the scale. Losing weight without following rigid rules and without going to the gym, however, is also possible thanks to some small tricks, it will also remain easy. 

However, it is relevant to underline the importance of physical activity regardless of wanting to lose weight, just to maintain a healthy body but if you really don't have time (it would be enough about 30 minutes a day, about 2% of a whole day. ..) With some precautions it will be possible to lose a few pounds without too much effort.

How to do it?

  • Move without thinking!

Make the stairs every time you can; Going up the stairs is in fact an excellent exercise to burn calories without even realizing it. 

Walk! Park as far as possible from the workplace or go shopping on foot. Walking with more weights, precisely the shopping bags, the calorie expenditure is increased.

Pedal! If and when you can use the bicycle. In addition to being a valid help for the environment you will keep your dry and toned physique. The vascular vascular work of the bike will make you lose weight by toning above all belly and legs.

Dance! Here is another alternative that not only will make you entertain but return in shape without too many efforts and having fun. Ball is often not perceived as a sport (therefore understood as effort)  precisely because of the fact that the Music and its movements seem more suitable for a leisure and fun activity. Instead dance helps the mood and above all it will make you lose weight very quickly. The dance is fun and if you do it constantly the results will not be long in coming!

In free time or on weekend end Organize appointments with friends involving them with activities such as a trip or a long walk in the parks; It will be a way to be together, socialize and do something that is good for everyone. 

  • Eat, but eat well!

To lose weight without going to the gym, one 'healthy and balanced diet It will help you achieve the objectives much faster. There is no need to fast and suffer hunger by jumping meals, on the contrary: it is always recommended to make 3 main meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner plus two snacks in the middle of the morning and mid -afternoon. Choose healthy and hypocaloric foods. Use a few fats and lots of fruit and vegetables. The power supply is varied as much as possible by introducing whole foods, legumes, fish, white meats and eggs. Remember of Drink at least two liters of water a day To help the body eliminate excess liquids and therefore a reduce or the imperfections of cellulite. Give yourself a glass of wine (without exaggerating) every now and then but try to avoid sugary and super -cucumco drinks. If you really have to try to limit the doses and balance with nutrition. 

To lose weight Therefore must eating and do some bike.

The problem arises if laziness takes over and good food courts us. By putting these small precautions into the lifestyle in practice, we can quickly change our metabolism and allow us to sit at the table without too many sacrifices and guilt.

The change begins precisely from the table; Do not eliminate everything you like most but try only to reduce the quantities or to choose a dish rather than eating everything you like. The secret lies in jelly of less calories than those that consume it. Reduce portions, limit oil and fats, and starting the meal with vegetables will be the best strategy if we want to control calories at the table.

(Less) Watch out for the scale

The accumulated kilos They must not be an obsession. Try not to weigh you every day but once every two weeks. There may be changes in weight even of two/three kilos between one day and another due to several factors such as hormones, intestinal irregularities etc. Instead, it is advisable to choose a day and a usual time (possibly in the morning) to keep it as a reference and adopt it as a habit. 

Food integration.

Another important support comes precisely from food integration, that is, taking those active ingredients that our body is struggling to produce or implement through normal nutrition. THE Burn fat or thermogenic In fact they will speed up the loss of body weight 

The laboratories suisse Lab I patented several 100% natural food supplements with the aim of assisting loss or weight control through tested preparations according to the most rigid checks. 

The Fat Burner Evolution It is the supplement that the basal metabolism is increasing by keeping it healthy; Its specific formula goes to metabolize storage fats by transforming them into pure energy. Without caffeine nor exciting agents goes to work on the body in a natural way ensuring a fast and lasting loss of weight.


The Body Restore Plus, with its triple anti -firm, cumbersome and draining action, it is the ideal product for those who want to keep hunger attacks at bay. Precisely for its composition it will influence the appetite allowing to ingest less quantity of food at the table. It also goes to metabolize the deposit fats and promotes the elimination of stagnation liquids on the belly, arms and legs.

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