Strategie "brucia grassi"

"Fat burning" strategies


To maintain a healthy and toned body for a long time, perhaps even after a low -calorie diet, you must not continue to follow a restrictive diet for life but to implement some small attention to make healthy habits for a balanced lifestyle. So if you want to maintain a dry physique and an always active metabolism you have to organize the way to feed and move differently. The diet is the basis to dispose of excess pounds but must be put in combination with constant exercise if you want to consolidate the results. 

1. Power supply: It is undoubtedly the first step to put into practice to eliminate superfluous weight. There are important parameters to follow and keep constantly in the arch of one's life. Let's see some: 

  • Do not suffer from hunger, indeed, to eat at least 5 times a day (even six if you want to make a pre -bed snack).  A rich breakfast, associated with a couple of snacks and snacks Both in the mid -morning and mid -afternoon, such as fruit, yogurt, dried fruit and smoothies will allow to easily control the break between the three main meals also accelerating the metabolism;
  • balance all the nutrients at each meal giving importance to the correct amount of proteins. Will be important to preserve the lean mass from any deterioration, and allow you to lose weight quickly and healthy;
  • moderate or control the consumption of carbohydrates and above all of simple sugars . Prefer i Chicco cereals and whole products, avoid baked goods, products left in particular in the afternoon or evening. The desserts would be good to take advantage of it only in the very early morning.
  • yes to good fats. Beyond substantially check the feeling of hunger foods such as olive oil, dried fruit, oily seeds, fatty fish, also contribute to preserving the functionality of the nervous and cardio vascular system;
  • Avoid taking sugary and carbonated drinks, industrial juices and commercial preparations. The classic zero calories drinks would also be better to ban them because they affect in any case on blood sugar peaks. It is always preferable to opt for water.

2. Hydration. Any dietary plan, it will be not very profitable without taking the right amount of waterfall. The transport of nutrients within the tissues, the use of the same as well as the transformation into energy is possible only thanks to the water. In addition, the daily dose of water, which must be for at least Two liters, will allow you to drain excess liquids e keep the body hydrated.

For a greater draining effect, you can opt for low sodium water or resort to the help of green tea or red fruits that in addition to hydrating and provide important active ingredients useful for the whole body.

3. Sport and physical activity: At the same time with nutrition it is one of the fundamental parameters for a correct fat burning strategy. Sport and constant physical activity bring countless benefits to the whole body: they increase calorie expenditure, they metabolize fats transforming them into vital energy, and above all they immediately give great sense of well -being. It is also important to remember that a body with greater lean muscle mass tends to have a more active metabolism and therefore to "burn" more calories even at rest. Excellent exercise to undertake a slimming plan is undoubtedly the walk. According to the WHO you have to make at least ten thousand daily steps to have a good metabolic parameter. Walking helps the drainage of liquids, improves cardiovascular function, supports control of appetite and certainly increases caloric expenditure. If, on the other hand, you have a good level of physical preparation, you can opt for activities such as i Circuit training or interval training which allow you to develop workouts that allow you to burn many more calories than a traditional workout. Also waking training is optimal for its effectiveness: the catabolic system is at the maximum of its activity and therefore highly performing. Another small "fat burning" trick is to train in the open air even during the winter: it activates thermogenesis and accelerates the metabolism.

4. Rest: recent studies have discovered that sleeping little or even four hours to affect the  correct digestion of carbohydrates, due to higher levels of insulin e cortisol, the stress hormone. When the body is tired, the energies for normal activities are lacking, also to burn fat efficiently. Because our metabolism works regularly is therefore necessary sleep at least eight hours a night.

Returning to the point of nutrition (Gioa and pain for many) as already seen, there are certainly several parameters that allow you to plan "fat burning" strategies but to keep a very important lifestyle active it is to know to insert foods in the diet plan to "negative calories"

What are negative calories?

To better understand what and what the negative calories are we must have well present the meaning of metabolism. It is necessary to know that our body uses an energy load in living and performing all those functions that maintain it vital, therefore even during ingriving, chewing, digestion we use energy and therefore metabolic functions. At this moment the thermogenesis induced by the diet is activated and indicates a certain relevant percentage on the total calories that we spend every day. So by negative calories foods we mean all those foods that provide a very low number of calories so much so that they are lower than the quantity of calories themselves that uses the body to digest and dispose of them.

What are negative calories foods?

Obviously it is not entirely possible to define all the foods with negative calories but there through parameters and simple calculations they can still be identified.

  1. WATERFALL. Element par excellence because in calories zero and even if it does not provide energy, it engages the metabolism in different functions and organic reactions.
  2. Tea, coffee, herbal teas. All very powerful metabolic natural activators with almost zero calories.
  3. Celery, cauliflower, asparagus and cruciferous in general. Characterized by the presence of about 30 kal for every 100gr, mostly represented by fibers that are not absorbed by the body, these super foods are equipped with negative calories; Our body burns more calories in the chewing and digestion of the caloric entertainment of the same foods.
  4. Peperons and chilli pepper. Equipped with a high metabolic power induced by capsaicin and very poor in calories, they increase energy expenditure by accelerating thermogenesis.
  5. COCOA. Thanks to the presence of bioflavonoids cocoa has a strong metabolic power.

The laboratories Suisse Lab they produced and patented the Fat Burner Evolution a Burn burning of the latest generation Highly performing thanks to the dual hypoglycaemizing and thermogenic action, the loss of excess kilos through a constant and healthy weight loss process allow the favor of favor.

Combined with proper nutrition and physical activity, it allows you to achieve the goal in less time without altering all physiological processes in any way. All The Suisse Lab line And 100% natural and developed with carefully selected raw materials to ensure a highly high product.

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